Paula Mary International Psychic Medium specialising in Psychic Surgery, Animal Communication. Host of The Spiritual Surgery Podcast. Paula Mary's main focus is Psychic Surgery ( Worldwide) Mediumship, Readings and Animal Communication. Paula Mary runs one to one sessions with Adults and Children to help with on going Anxiety.


Clients have been asking, of late, about my Psychic Surgery here below is my definition....

Psychic Surgery


People often confuse the definition of psychic surgery, often thinking back to medieval times when it was thought instruments were used to cut out organs, when in fact this was not the case. I have been working with my Guides using psychic surgery, for over 35 years, and would like to clarify what my work as a psychic surgeon entails. Firstly, over the years i have strengthened my connection with Spirit by working on myself, clearing past traumas and emotions , to create and achieve a clear high channel and vibrational pathway to my Guides.  When I connect to my Spirit Guides, they bring in surgeons into my trance channel who worked as professional surgeons whilst in this life. I connect with different surgeons for different health issues.

Psychic Surgery is a non-invasive energy treatment, which through trance firstly releases all emotional energy that could be connected to your health. Once that is clear the psychic surgery takes place. I rarely touch my client, I connect and my Spiritual team do the rest. I never know beforehand what response or impact this will have on my clients health. We both have to trust the process. This varies on the client and what we are dealing with. Having an open mind is very beneficial, and having a sense of being non judgmental helps.

Over the years i have had great success of helping clients with their health, from swollen joints to MS to Parkinson’s to Cancer to acid reflux and too many issues to mention., Psychic surgery is not a cure, however working alongside your health professionals, it can help give a sense of well being and through improvements, help the condition and bring a sense of calmness. A certain level of resistance is formed with the body’s frame work and in some cases minimise the condition to a good level.

I am not a doctor, and cannot advise you on medication or medical conditions your but what i can do is work with you to help clear your emotions in relation to your health issues, and then work on your physical body to help with the impact of what you were holding in your body. I love Psychic surgery it’s my favourite part of the work that I do. I have built up trust within myself and my Spirit team to enable to bring comfort to clients in many ways.

Paula Mary

Clients Testimonial

Lovely testimonial from a client with MS.  Paula , a huge thanks for healing me of the sciatic pain in my back and leg. Completely disappeared. The leg is feeling lighter again, and I can walk much better thank you. H WB

I love feedback... I had a session with you on 3rd June where you raised my vibration levels for healing and intuition, clearing my emotions, My health and my healing has definitely changed. People have said it’s much more powerful and that i look so different, It’s all life changing, Thank you for all you’ve done for me.


Hi Paula, well I went for a fairly long walk (for me!) this morning, I slept well, woke early, somethings still changed, I think my balance is more natural, Something good has changed inside and feel able to walk more and stand more so thank you so much. I felt very tired yesterday as well, which seemed to be a good sign. (S)


Paula Mary is delighted to be part of this amazing 10 hour tarot online course to get £20.00 of the course go to and put Code: PAULA20 for your discount



Paula Mary Hosts The Spiritual Surgery Podcast on all podcasts apps 

Spiritual Surgery is what Paula Mary loves doing concentrating on Spiritual Development, inviting guests on the show, demonstrating techinques and demonstrations and talking and debating  all things spiritual 

Check out Facebook: The Spiritual Surgery Show Podcast Or Twitter The Spiritual Surgery Podcast

The Psychic Clinic delivers all your Psychic and Spiritual requirements,

Readings, one to one via Skype, Facetime, Zoom, Messenger

Mediumship and Animal Mediumship Communicating, Lost Pets, via Online as above

Animal Healing, Psychic Surgery, via Online as above

Spiritual Counselling, Paula Mary is CBT qualified and has qualifications in Anger Management, Paula Mary will combine her skills and her Spiritual Counselling together.  Via Online as above

Meditation workshops (online at present) Paula Mary is a qualified Meditation teacher and will do 6 weeks Mediation courses to focus on Fear and Anxiety

Anger Management Sessions- one to one sessions with Teenagers, Paula Mary spent 8 Years in Child Protection teaching Children to understand their behaviour.  These sessions are online as above.

Paula Mary is now offering Ancestral Healing and Energy Resetting (see shop for details)



Paula Mary has a team of Holistic Therapies working within The Psychic Clinic Umbrella, Annie Harmstone Reiki Master, delivering Reiki Courses level 1 2 and Master.

Energy House Cleansing, Annie Harmstone and Paula Mary work together, using Dowsing rods to clear your house indoors and its surroundings.

Susan Warner Crystal Healer and Crystal expert. Text 07957189063 for an appointment

 Paula Mary has produced her own Psychic Cards which are now available "Future Reading Cards"Order your pack now through this website under The Psychic Clinic Shop, or please message me directly.

future cards





Payyment in advance of readings/healing,( See terms and conditions) sessions are 1 hour £50.00 per session  half an hour £35.00 hour, sessions longer by arrangement.  The Psychic clinic use Pay Pal through [email protected]

We are pleased to announce that Annie Harmstone-Weller Reiki Master will be organising Reiki Workshops please see Reiki development link. Also Annie will work alongside Paula 2 days a week attending reiki healing appointments and house clearing and phone readings.

What clients are saying see more in testimonials 

Thank you so much for the incredible healing and mediumship reading yesterday. I've had many healings and readings over the years, but NEVER have I felt such unbelievably beautiful healing energy! Even though we are across the world from each other, your guides poured their loving energy on me until i felt completely speechless with gratitude. 
"The mediumship was equally wonderful. We were both in tears when we talked with my sweet mother and my dear friend who passed away earlier this year. There was no question of their true presence in the session. It felt very relieving to know that things left undone on the earth could be resolved in spirit.
"I have already recommended you to my friends and clients. I would definitely recommend you to anyone who is seeking help in any of these areas. Thank you from my heart for your incredible loving-kindness!" Kari Joys US 



Have a missing Pet? Need to know what has happend?

Paula Will tune into her animal communicator and bring down information with regard to  what has happened or where your pet is?

Paula -I want to thank you so much, my Suzie is back home, just like you told me she would be, I had to wait but you gave me hope and now she has returned on the day and gave me where she was I cant thank you enough - HS -UK 

LIFE can be destructive sometimes other people's energy causes are own to be disruptive looking for protection? Paula channels a protection ritual which will stop any unwanted energies going on you ? This can be done Skype phone or distant contact the Psychic Clinic


This picture(the light) is a seflie I took on Holiday in 2014, my guides came through very strong to say hello


 Are you training as a psychic? Need advice? Call Paula 


Over the years I have built up a client base, covering UK, Ireland, France, Florida, New Zealand, Brisbane and have recently been to New Zealand and Brisbane, to continue my healing work there.  Skype is a great tool to help me continue my International status.snowey2Paula healing Snowey


Welcome to The Psychic Clinic which Paula Mary founded in 1999

Paula has over 30 years of professional experience. The pyschic clinic offers , readings, mediumship, Psychic Surgery, Coping with anixety sessions,  through one to one sessions or phone readings, Psychic development training, Animal Commmunication.

Paula also offers animal healing and this includes working with farm animals as well as dog cats, rabbits etc.

The aim is to widen your spiritual awareness through healing techniques and mediations whilst also clearing your energies so yourself can clear out the negatives in your life and start afresh emotionally.

One to one sessions for spiritual development and/or group development.

If you would like some advice/guidance or to book an appointment please feel free to contact Paula through The Psychic Clinic email address

 The Psychic Clinic is. Now offering Reiki Treaments and Training please see tool bar Reiki.

Paula Mary's motto is

Ones self is the upmost important and my work is to guide people to healing themselves

Paula also has a second degree in Reiki, a diploma in Cognitive Behavioural therapy, and a diploma in dog psychology and has been dog boarding/walking training

Follow me on Twitter Psychic Paula Mary@PsychicPaula1

Facebook Paula Mary


